The Team
Camila José
Kambo Teacher/ Kambo Practitioner
Camila’s calling to be a practitioner of ancestral medicines came through her courageously overcoming trauma that occurred during her time in military service. She is a disabled Navy Veteran who took it upon herself to heal physically, mentally and spiritually through holistic therapies and plant medicines from South America and the Native American Lakota Tribe. Studying with different tribal traditions have helped her develop her unique set of skills. Deep journeys with various linages and the miracle frog Kambo have become the building blocks of her work. Her Kambo Practitioner qualification was awarded to her by the reputable Tribal Detox after extensive training and assessment.
Her passion is to be of service focusing on healing emotional and physical traumas. She combines all her knowledge, wisdom, and expertise to create shifts in people that will provide them with a balanced physical, emotional and spiritual life. As an indigenous queer woman, she takes pride in working with all creeds, sexual orientation, and gender identities. Mitakuye Oyasin - All Are Related!
Andrea Lynn
Kambo Teacher/ Kambo Practitioner
Andrea’s Kambo journey began in 2016 when she was battling anxiety, depression, and a chronic shoulder injury. As a former Division 1 college tennis player, she developed shoulder and hip pain from years of training. After undergoing physical therapy, acupuncture, and taking pain medications - she was unable to live pain free. Once Andrea found Kambo she began to experience deep healing. Through a series of Kambo treatments, Andrea began to transform and upgrade her life, no longer living with physical pain. Another positive result of her work with Kambo was alleviating daily anxiety and stress that came from working in corporate sales. Andrea noticed that her overall state of well being became more relaxed and joyous. She no longer needed the assistance of pharmaceutical drugs and started living a very healthy lifestyle, eating an alkaline diet, eliminating alcohol, taking herbal supplements, and utilizing a natural approach to her health.
Grateful for all the benefits Kambo has brought to her life, Andrea decided to help others in their journey by becoming a Certified Kambo Practitioner through the reputable Tribal Detox association. She is also now a passionate coordinator for Native American ceremonies throughout the Country. Andrea’s passion for the Native Ways manifests in her ability to help bridge people in their spiritual journey, bringing them to sacred healing plants and Kambo. She loves to be of service!