What is a Kambo Practitioner?

Kambo has been used for centuries in traditional Amazonian medicine to treat a variety of ailments. Over the years, the use of Kambo has gained popularity around the world, with many people seeking out Kambo practitioners for healing and wellness. 

But what exactly is a kambo practitioner? In this blog post, we'll explore the role of a kambo practitioner and what it takes to become one. 

What is Kambo?

Before we dive into the role of a kambo practitioner, let's first briefly discuss what kambo is. Kambo is a secretion from the Phyllomedusa bicolor frog, which is found in the Amazon rainforest. The secretion contains a complex mixture of peptides that have been shown to have a variety of medicinal properties, including pain relief, immune system support, and detoxification. Kambo is traditionally used by indigenous tribes in the Amazon as a form of medicine, but in recent years, it has become more popular around the world as a way to support physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Kambo is typically administered through small burns on the skin, allowing the peptides to enter the body and produce their healing effects. 

What is a Kambo practitioner?

What is a Kambo Practitioner?

A Kambo practitioner is someone who has been trained in the safe and effective use of Kambo. These practitioners are typically trained in traditional Amazonian methods of Kambo administration and are knowledgeable about the medicinal properties of frog secretion. The role of a kambo practitioner is to facilitate a kambo ceremony or session, which involves administering the Kambo to the participant and guiding them through the experience. 

During a session, the practitioner will typically start by assessing the participant's medical history and determining if kambo is appropriate for them. They will also discuss any potential risks or contraindications and make sure the participant is comfortable with the process. Once the participant is ready, the practitioner will use a small stick or vine to make small burns on the skin, typically on the arms, legs, or upper back. 

The Kambo secretion is then applied to the burns, and the participant will begin to experience the effects of the peptides. Throughout the session, the Kambo practitioner will monitor the participant's vital signs and help them navigate any physical, emotional, or spiritual experiences that arise. They may offer guidance, support, or other forms of energy work to help the participant release any blockages or negative emotions that are holding them back. How to 

Become a Kambo Practitioner 

Becoming a Kambo practitioner requires specialized training and a deep understanding of traditional Amazonian medicine. There are a variety of different training programs available, each with its own unique approach and curriculum. Some kambo training programs are led by indigenous healers from the Amazon, while others are led by non-indigenous practitioners who have trained extensively with indigenous communities. 

It's important to choose a training program that resonates with your values and goals as a practitioner. Most kambo training programs will cover topics such as: 

  • The history and traditions of Kambo use in the Amazon 

  • The medicinal properties of Kambo peptides and how they work in the body 

  • The safe and effective administration of Kambo, including proper dosage and preparation 

  • Contraindications and potential risks of Kambo use 

  • How to facilitate a kambo ceremony or session, including energy work, music, and other supportive practices

In addition to formal training, becoming a kambo practitioner also requires a deep commitment to healing and wellness. Many kambo practitioners have a background in other healing modalities, such as yoga, meditation, or Reiki, and use these practices in combination with kambo to support their clients.

Book your Kambo session today!


Benefits of Kambo for Treating Depression


Kambo - The Science of Peptides