Kambo: Understanding the Purging Process

Embarking on a Kambo journey is akin to setting sail on a sea of profound spiritual and physical cleansing. For those who are new to this ancient Amazonian ritual, Kambo is a powerful substance harvested from the Phyllomedusa bicolor frog, revered for its incredible healing properties and its ability to purge the body of toxins and negative energies. One of the most significant aspects of a Kambo ceremony is the purging process, a natural reaction that helps cleanse your body and mind. Let’s dive deep and navigate the waters of the Kambo purging process together, in a friendly and understanding manner.

The Onset of the Purge

Once Kambo is administered onto small, superficial burns on the skin, it swiftly enters the lymphatic system, and the body begins to react. You might feel a rush of heat, a quickening heartbeat, or a pressure in the head or abdomen. Fear not, for these sensations are the heralds of the purge, a natural response as your body embraces the Kambo’s potent energy.

Kambo - understanding the purging process.

Embracing the Purge:

The purging process can manifest in various forms such as vomiting, sweating, or sometimes even bowel movements. While this might seem daunting, it’s essential to embrace it. The purge is your body’s way of expelling toxins, negative energies, and anything that no longer serves your well-being. It’s is a cathartic release, a cleansing rain showering your inner garden.

Navigating the Emotional Currents:

Kambo’s purge isn’t just physical. It’s an emotional and spiritual cleanse as well. You might find yourself riding waves of various emotions, from vulnerability to relief. It’s all part of the process, allowing you to release pent-up feelings and emerge lighter and more in tune with your inner self.

Support and Guidance:

You’re not alone on this journey. A skilled practitioner will be your steadfast lighthouse, guiding and supporting you through the purging process. They’ll ensure you’re comfortable, hydrated, and encourage you to surrender to the experience, allowing the Kambo to work its healing magic.

Post-Purge Tranquility:

After the storm comes a calm. Post-purge, you might feel a sense of lightness, clarity, and rejuvenation. It’s a rebirth, an emergence from the chrysalis of your old self, ready to embrace life with renewed vigor and a clearer perspective.

Tips for a Smoother Purging Process:

  • Hydration is Key: Ensure you’re well-hydrated before the ceremony. Drinking water helps facilitate the purging process, aiding in the expulsion of toxins.

  • Set Your Intentions: Having a clear intention can be a powerful anchor, helping you navigate the purging process with purpose and focus.

  • Surrender: Allow yourself to surrender to the experience. Trust the process, your practitioner, and the wisdom of Kambo.

  • Rest and Reflect: After the ceremony, allow yourself time to rest, integrate the experience, and bask in the newfound clarity and lightness.

In conclusion, the purging process in a Kambo ceremony is a gateway to profound cleansing and healing. Understanding and embracing this aspect allows you to navigate the journey with grace, surrender, and a sense of purpose. Book a session with Cami Kambo today, but remember, you’re not merely purging toxins but also making space for positive energies, clarity, and a revitalized spirit. So, here’s to your Kambo journey—may it be a transformative voyage towards healing and wholeness! 🐸💚


Kambo: An Overview of the Frog Species Used in the Medicine


Kambo: A Guide to Finding a Skilled Practitioner