Kambo- 2,000 Years of History

The use of Kambo has been a longstanding tradition among several indigenous tribes in South America, including the Matses, Katukina, and Mayoruna. These tribes have been using Kambo for generations to gain physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits. In this article, we’ll take a look at how these tribes use Kambo, its history, and the benefits associated with its use.

Kambo is a secretion from the skin of the Amazonian giant leaf frog (Phyllomedusa bicolor). The frog is not harmed during the extraction process, and the secretion is collected and dried into small balls, which are then used in the Kambo ceremony.

Tribes of Kambo

The Matses tribe, also known as the Mayoruna, is one of the tribes that use Kambo in their traditional medicine. They use Kambo to gain energy, strength, and hunt better. Kambo is also used in their initiation ceremonies, where young boys are given medicine to help them become strong and resilient men.

The Katukina tribe is another tribe that uses Kambo in their traditional medicine. They use Kambo to cleanse the body and to heal ailments such as headaches, fever, and infections. Kambo is also used in their spiritual ceremonies, where it is believed to connect the participants to the spiritual realm.

The Use of Kambo

The Mayoruna tribe uses Kambo for many purposes, including hunting, fishing, and as a cure for illnesses. They also use Kambo in their spiritual ceremonies to gain insight and wisdom from the spirit world. Kambo is believed to be a powerful purifier that cleanses the body of negative energies and toxins.

The use of Kambo by these tribes dates back centuries, and it is an important part of their cultural heritage. The knowledge of how to use Kambo has been passed down from generation to generation, ensuring that this tradition is kept alive.

Benefits of Kambo

So, what are the benefits of using Kambo? Kambo has many physical and emotional benefits. When taken, Kambo causes the body to release toxins, which can help to boost the immune system and improve overall health. Kambo also has analgesic properties, which can help to reduce pain and inflammation.

In addition to its physical benefits, Kambo is also believed to have emotional and spiritual benefits. It is believed that Kambo can help to release negative emotions such as anger, fear, and sadness, allowing for emotional healing and a greater sense of well-being. Kambo is also believed to help people connect with their spiritual selves, allowing for greater insight, clarity, and awareness.

Learn about the history of Kambo.

Kambo Session

Kambo session usually starts with Kambo being administered through small burn marks on the skin, which are made with a small stick or vine. The Kambo secretion is then applied to the burn marks, and the medicine is allowed to enter the body. The experience can be intense, with participants experiencing sweating, vomiting, and sometimes even fainting. However, the after-effects of Kambo are usually short-lived, and most people report feeling energized and refreshed after the experience.

In conclusion, Kambo has been an important part of the traditional medicine of South American tribes such as the Matses, Katukina, and Mayoruna for centuries. The use of Kambo has many physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits, and it is believed to help people connect with their bodies, emotions, and spiritual selves. While Kambo is not for everyone, those who are interested in exploring this traditional medicine should do so with a qualified practitioner who is experienced in the use of Kambo. Book your Kambo session today!


A Comprehensive Guide on How Kambo Works: Unveiling the Secrets


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