3 Reasons For Becoming a Kambo Practitioner

Kambo has become a controversial healing modality that people have begun to talk about in recent years. Some claim that this mysterious frog secretion can cure every disease known to man. It can relieve clinical depression and anxiety or even cleanses the body of all its toxins through a simple purge. Like most things, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. 

Although there is a lot of unsubstantiated hype around Kambo, it is proven to relieve many physical and psychological ailments. Many people have turned to Kambo when Western medicine has failed to provide answers or success for multiple issues that people suffer from. 

Does Kambo provide the answer every time? Of course not. However, it does have quite a significant track record. So, what is Kambo, how does one come to work with it, and why?

Kambo is the secretion of the Phyllomedusa Bicolor Amazonian tree frog. It was initially discovered by the hunting tribes of the Amazon. How its use was found isn't entirely known. However, several indigenous legends proclaim the tale. 

Kambo is administered by making several surface-level blisters on the skin. These are typically on the shoulder or lower leg and then applying a pencil eraser size dot of the gelatin-like secretion to the open blister setting off a chemical chain of reactions in the body. 

The secretion primarily comprises bioactive peptides that exert a positive biological effect on the body. 

There are many sensationalized youtube videos of the Kambo experience, with most being extraordinarily exaggerated and not a true testament to the process. It's hard to say precisely what the Kambo process is like, but it is similar to going through a 15-20 minute flu where you may or may not purge. Even though there is a lot of misleading hype about the necessity of the purge, the truth is one will gain the benefits of Kambo whether they purge or not. All the healing that comes from Kambo derives from the bioactive peptides being supplemented into the body from Kambo. I say supplemented because we add what our body already produces into the body. Put simply, peptides are tiny chemical messengers that instruct the body's cells how to "behave correctly," allowing the body to move back into homeostasis or balance. 

Our bodies endogenously create over 7000 peptides that keep all the systems of the body operating correctly. 

However, when these peptides become deficient through the natural process of aging, the cells and systems of the body may become confused or begin to operate inefficiently. Many do not realize that supplemental peptides are only efficient when introduced directly into the bloodstream. 

I hate to tell you that the skin elasticity improving collagen you bought on Amazon is BS, but you've probably been had. Peptides that are consumed orally are, for the most part, destroyed in the gut before ever reaching the bloodstream, leaving them ineffective. This is why Kambo is so effective. It's a direct route to the bloodstream, where the peptides are put into action immediately.  

So how does one learn to work with this incredible modality known as Kambo? The good news is that you do not necessarily have to travel to the jungle, although that is an option. However, you need to find a training program, particularly one rooted in science and safety. Although the indigenous are incredible masters at this work, they are not accustomed to working with those in our first-world culture. Those in the first world suffer from various diseases or use a cocktail of medications that can be dangerous if misused with Kambo. To err on the side of caution, I encourage you to find a program that educates on the use of Kambo in the culture you live in.  

So why might one want to embark on the journey of becoming a Kambo practitioner? There are many reasons, but here are a few that might appeal to you.  

1. Becoming a Kambo practitioner allows you to be a part of something bigger than yourself. In the grand scheme of career paths, a tiny percentile of the population calls themselves Kambo practitioners. Being a Kambo practitioner doesn't make you a healer. However, some like to claim that title of importance to soothe their ego. But it does allow you to provide an experience that may provide some healing for an ailment where all other avenues have failed. Kambo may not fill your pockets with the riches of a tech startup, but it will fill your heart with compassion and empathy. I've had the opportunity to facilitate this experience for several former NFL athletes. Athletes who had their health destroyed from the crippling concussions they suffered while playing America's favorite sport. These men barely had any resemblance to a fulfilling life. Their injuries left them sick, confused, and almost lifeless. Unable to get answers or relief from their doctors, some of these men welcomed death as an alternative to their painful existence. After a few months of working with Kambo, they had been given a second chance at life. These men now have strength back in their bodies and clarity back in their minds, giving them the type of lives they deserve with their families. All credit goes to Kambo, but I cannot begin to explain how much it tugs on my heart strings to be blessed enough to provide that experience for them. For many, Kambo is another word for hope.  

2. Many today lack purpose in their lives and in their work. Many graduate colleges to embark on a career that may provide them a decent paycheck but strips them of their happiness. They feel stuck in a vicious cycle of working for the man to make more money to buy them things to distract them from the job they hate. We are human. We were not meant to work a soulless 9-5 that pads the pockets of our bosses while we're expected to be grateful for a 3% raise that can't even keep up with inflation. So many people are dying inside with no purpose in their lives and no understanding of how to escape it. Becoming a Kambo practitioner gives you meaning. It gives you a life that you can be proud of. When my time comes in the end, as it will come for us all, I will go with grace, knowing my life meant something. I will smile, knowing I made an impact in this very short time of my human experience. The life of a Kambo practitioner is one of excitement and mystery. The Kambo practitioner is full of overwhelming joy when they are allowed to go to work and share their gift with their fellow human. I cannot tell you the number of times I have forgotten to collect payment from my clients because I forgot I was actually working. I still wake up every morning with the same burning question. "How is this my life?"

3. This final reason I will discuss may be the most important reason to become a Kambo practitioner. YOU ARE NEEDED. There may be less than 400 known Kambo practitioners in the United States and less than 2000 globally. Even though western medicine definitely has its place, Kambo has been able to step up to the plate where western medicine has failed. I'm not saying Kambo should replace medicine, but Kambo can make a fantastic addition to diet, exercise, and meditation. There are not enough practitioners to meet the demand of sickness that has swept the nation or even the world for that fact. With so many diseases of both the physical and psychological nature, Kambo has become the missing key for so many that unlock the positive health they didn't know existed. Like everything in life, Kambo is not a guaranteed fix. Still, it has proven highly reliable for most who have danced with the frog. With ethical harvesting, the frogs suffer no harm, and after a few moments of their time, they are set free in the jungle to live their natural lives. Wow! What a fantastic gift from Mother Nature.  

If you are interested in embarking on the incredible life of a Kambo practitioner, Tribal Detox, offers a uniquely comprehensive Kambo Practitioner Training Program. This is a 10-day program rooted in the safety and science of Kambo, with the opportunity to enroll in advanced Kambo training to further your career. Nestled in the small mountain town of Creede, Colorado, many students have claimed this program to be the most profound experience of their lives. Students leave the program feeling competent and confident to serve this incredible healing modality. 

If you want to learn more, you can visit www.tribaldetox.org. The life of a Kambo practitioner is one of purpose, joy, and excitement. Become something greater than yourself. Become a Kambo Practitioner.  


Why Kambo before Ayahuasca?