Kambo - More than a Frog Detox

Although Kambo is widely referred to a frog detox there's so much more going on.  So what is this "Kambo detox" people are referring to?  Kambo is a substance that is extremely rich in bioactive peptides and neuropeptides.

A peptide is a signaling molecule that keeps the body in homeostasis and allows for high-performing cellular efficiency.

This is important because as we start to age past the point of our most fertile years, we begin to feel the wear and tear of the world, and our bodies begin to feel the aging effects. From an evolutionary standpoint, this is the point in life where our youth begins to take a toll on our vibrancy and youthful vitality. Aging itself could be considered a disease as it means the human cells are just losing their efficiency to take on life the way they did when we were younger. This is where the magic of peptides shines through. We have over 7000 naturally occurring peptides that play a crucial role in overall cellular functioning throughout the body. But as we age, these peptides begin to ebb, which begins to confuse the cells or the cells become “arrested.”

This is when we begin to see our hormones get out of whack. We start having blood pressure problems. We start having issues with depression and anxiety. We start gaining weight that we can’t seem to shed. We start losing the elasticity in our skin, and the fight begins with harmful medication and cosmetics to preserve our youth.

Kambo supplementation works in bringing all systems back online and operating efficiently. Kambo interferes with the negative spiral of aging by giving cells what they need to continue to function and follow through with what they are programmed to do. The peptides found in Kambo can make the cells efficient again. In a sense, it introduces the fountain of youth back into the body.

Part of bringing vitality back into the body is also strengthening the immune system giving the body a better chance of combatting viruses, illnesses, and disease. It is crucial for so many to ensure their immune system is operating at a high level during these strange times. Kambo peptide supplementation puts the fight back into the immune system. This is one of the reasons we have had so much success with people battling Lyme disease. We have even worked with a couple of former NFL athletes who have literally been given their lives back with Kambo after having their bodies destroyed and compromised from concussion after concussion. Kambo offers hope where there was none before.

Although Kambo supplementation is uncomfortable for a few moments, the benefits far outweigh any discomfort the client may feel. It’s similar to having 20-minute flu, and then it passes. 

So is the Kambo frog detox actually a detox?  Not really in the traditional way of how we think of a detox.  Is it an energetic detox?  Sure.  Does Kambo strengthen our natural detox pathways?  Absolutely. But to call Kambo just a detox or a cleanse is to really dumb it down.  It is so much more complex and magical.    


A Guide to Increasing Fertility with Kambo


Why Kambo before Ayahuasca?