Kambo - A Powerful Cleansing & Healing Tool 

Kambo, also known as the "sapo" or "frog medicine," is a powerful cleansing and healing tool used by indigenous tribes in South America for centuries. In recent years, it has gained popularity in the West as a natural alternative for physical and emotional healing. Kambo is a secretion from the skin of the Amazonian tree frog (Phyllomedusa bicolor) that is administered through small burns on the skin. 

While the idea of intentionally burning oneself may seem daunting, the benefits of Kambo are numerous and can be life-changing for those who seek its healing power.

Benefits of Kambo

Kambo has been shown to have many physical benefits, including its ability to boost the immune system. It contains peptides that stimulate the production of white blood cells, which are essential for fighting off infections and diseases. Additionally, Kambo can help with pain relief by reducing inflammation and promoting the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers. Many people also report increased energy and mental clarity after a kambo ceremony, which can last for days or even weeks after the initial treatment.

After effects of Kambo.

Another benefit of Kambo is its ability to cleanse the body of toxins. The frog secretion contains antimicrobial and antiviral properties that can help to remove harmful pathogens from the body. It is also a powerful detoxifier, as it stimulates the lymphatic system and encourages the release of toxins through sweat and urine. Kambo has been used to treat a variety of illnesses and conditions, including chronic pain, depression, anxiety, addiction, and autoimmune disorders.

Kambo is also believed to have powerful emotional and spiritual benefits. Many people report feeling a deep sense of connection to nature and a greater understanding of their place in the world after a kambo ceremony. It is often described as a "reset" for the mind and spirit, allowing individuals to release negative emotions and thought patterns that have been holding them back. Kambo can also help to increase emotional resilience, making it easier for individuals to cope with stress and trauma in their daily lives.

It is important to note that kambo should only be administered by a trained practitioner in a safe and controlled environment, like the practitioners at Cami Kambo

The burns created by the kambo points are small and superficial, but the experience can be intense and overwhelming for some individuals and the after-effects of Kambo can vary. It is also important to disclose any medical conditions or medications you are taking before undergoing a kambo ceremony, as it can interact with certain medications and conditions.

Kambo is a powerful natural medicine that has been used for centuries by indigenous tribes in South America. Its benefits are numerous, including its ability to boost the immune system, relieve pain, cleanse the body of toxins, and promote emotional and spiritual healing. 

If you are interested in experiencing the benefits of Kambo, it is important to seek out a trained practitioner who can administer the treatment in a safe and controlled environment. With proper preparation and guidance, a kambo ceremony can be a life-changing experience for those seeking physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Schedule your session today to receive all these amazing benefits here in Austin, Texas!


Kambo - The Science of Peptides


The Potential to Alleviate Symptoms of Lyme Disease Through Kambo